Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Feeling better....

Last night's class was a bust. I did something during the day to hurt my lower back again. I still went to class but I took it easy. I was still disappointed that I couldn't do more. I told Lip, my teacher, beforehand that my back was a little wonky and I'm sure she kept that in mind as we did a lot of twisting. There was one point she had us practice drop-backs against the wall and I was tugging on her pant leg whimpering "I don't think I can drop back today." "It's ok" she said, "Supta Badha Konansana for you." WOO HOO! Actually, class was full of injuries. One has a neck problem, another had a shoulder pain, another had a "My entire left side is sore from skiing" issue, my back, it was a lot to work with.

I don't recall doing anything to hurt my back. Maybe it was just my overall demeanor yesterday. I was really sad and depressed and I was probably letting it take it's toll physically. I bet I was slouching in my chair most of the day with my shoulders up to my ears. It's been a rough couple of days emotionally and it's been a week since I've done any meditating. Tomorrow morning I'm getting back on that zen-wagon!


Regina said...

Oh, Marilyn- hope all gets better soon... I think sometimes the universe just weighs so heavily on some of us. Meditation sounds like a good idea...

Mary said...

Oh hon, big supa-doopa hugs! Getting back on the Zen wagon sounds like a great idea. My partner and I were talking about this very thing the other night. He stopped reading and practicing his Zen Buddhism and he hasn't been as balanced, calm or happy. It's good that you can realise how you have been behaving and reacting, and then do something about it to get out of the funk. And it's okay to get into a funk. We can't be shiny happy people all the time :-)

Kevin Randolph said...

Hello nice bllog