Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yoga in Pink Heels

Are you familiar with Pink Heels? It is an online social networking group set out to help empower women through their personal and professional endeavors. I can't exactly remember how I had learned about them, but I get their e-newsletters and this month especially caught my eye as it mentioned a recent blog entry, Through Yoga, Pink Heels Was Born. It is a wonderful entry which can tell the story of many, myself included. The notion of achieving success on your own terms is especially encouraging.

The home practice is going well, slow and steady. I am enjoying the calm I feel afterward, even if it's temporary until I go back to my frazzled state again, all the more reason to practice more. Mary from Om Bites is in New York and we are trying to arrange a yoga date while she's here.


Pink Heels said...

Oh my goodness! Cupcakes, yoga, and the color pink...why didn't I know about this sooner? I love it!

Mary said...

Hehe, can't wait! :-)